OPENING: The 3766th meeting of SGR was held at the Dixie Center where the Jubilee of Trees was in its final day. Ray Robinson lead the SGR Choir in a rousing rendition of "America, the Beautiful." Donald Ira Pendleton asked for the blessings of heaven on the meeting and the meal.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: President Ken reminded board members of the upcoming meeting on Tuesday, December 8 at 7:15 a.m.

PROGRAM: Terri Draper, Rotarian and Public Relations Director at Dixie Regional Medical Center, introduced CEO Terri Kane, recently named Intermountain Health Care’s Manager of Distinction. Of her boss, Terri Draper noted, "Terri gives tirelessly to the hospital and doesn’t ask her staff to do anything she wouldn’t do!" The CEO noted, of Dixie Regional Medical Center’s goal to raise sufficient funds to own their own Life Flight helicopter, "98% of ill babies and cardiac patients can be treated right here, but we still make 400-600 flights to the Wasatch Front every year." She also noted the attention Intermountain Health Care has received from the White House in the current discussions on health care reform. "We measure everything we do," states Kane. "Our primary C-section rate has dropped from 20% to 8% because we discourage early inductions." Looking at the Utah model for health care, Kane indicated "coverage is the key, but payment reforms are essential and we are looking at ways to reduce administrative costs while strengthening our ability to provide health information through technology and must address the Medicare physician payment formula. Utah is at the bottom for reimbursement from Medicare."

Kane also reviewed the number of national awards and recognitions received by Dixie Regional Medical Center, including the Health Insights Quality Award for achievements in improving patient care. DRMC, recipient for three consecutive years, is the only hospital in Utah and Nevada to receive this award. The hospital has also been recognized among the Top 30 US hospitals for cardiac care and was in Soliant Health’s Top 20 "Most Beautiful Hospitals."