OPENING: Sergeant-at-Arms Donald Ira Pendleton greeted Rotarians and guests to the 3763rd meeting of SGR. Ray Robinson lead the SGR Choir in a spirited rendition of "America, the Beautiful." Bob Bramlage invited members to follow him in the Pledge of Allegiance and PDG Jim Coleman asked for the blessings of heaven on the meeting and the meal.

PROGRAM: President Ken Sizemore welcomed members of St. George Rotary, Dixie Sunrise Rotary, Red Rock Rotary and Hurricane Rotary, in attendance to hear from Fred Berthrong, Chairman of the District Rotary Foundation. The PDG from Logan noted The Rotary Foundation logo and the Rotary International logo are equal size and shape, indicating the importance of each to the other. Since its inception, TRF has provided funding to support 40,000 Ambassadorial Scholars, 400 Peace Fellows; 30,000 matching grants averaging about $20,000 each; and, inoculated more than 2 billion children to bring about a 99% reduction in the incidence of polio worldwide. "In one day, Rotarians throughout India inoculated 175,000,000 children. We are the ‘boots on the ground,’" said an enthusiastic Berthrong. "But we aren’t doing everything right!"

According to the state leader, Rotarians do not have enough direct control over foundation funds. Processing of grants is slow. Rotarians have good projects, but many are not self sustaining; and, there is not enough partnering between other organizations.
The Future Vision Plan, involving 100 pilot districts - including District 5420 which Berthrong called "a dinky little place in the middle of nowhere but where things get done!" - is a 3-year trial program (2010-2013). The Future Vision Plan will provide for improved efficiency in getting funds into the hands of those who can do the most good; create larger, more sustainable projects; use Rotary’s credibility capital; and, partner with big players around the world.
The six areas of focus in the Future Vision Plan are:
- peace and conflict resolution
- water and sanitation
- mother and children
- basic education and literacy
- disease prevention and treatment
- economic development

Funding to meet the goals of the Future Vision Plan will come from EREY (Every Rotarian, Every Year giving $100 extra in voluntary contributions), more Paul Harris Fellows ($1000 each); an increase in membership in the Paul Harris Society ($1000 or more annually); and, meeting the Polio Challenge to match the $355 million donation from the Gates Foundation.
For more information about the programs of The Rotary Foundation or where the most need is in the world, Fred Berthrong can be reached at
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