OPENING: Sergeant-at-Arms Donald Ira Pendleton greeted Rotarians and guests to the 3762nd meeting of SGR. Ray Robinson lead the SGR Choir in a gentle rendition of "Auld Lang Syne" in honor of Don Dunham and Lee Pratt, both who passed away this week. West Martin invited members to follow him in the Pledge of Allegiance and PDG Sterling Spafford asked for the blessings of heaven on the meeting and the meal. Bill Fowler conducted a fast-paced Horseplay with fines, in support of the Dictionary project, collected by Shar Heitkotter.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Grant Carter, conducting in the absence of President Ken Sizemore, reminded members Fred Berthrong will speak on the subject of the RI Foundation at an All Clubs meeting at the Holiday Inn on Monday, November 2.
Nominees to fill the vacated seat as Service Chairman include West Martin and Kyle Case. Elections will be held next week.
YouthLINC has 9 applicants from southern Utah so sponsors are needed to send students to Thailand, Peru, Mexico, Kenya. For more information or to sponsor a student, contact Mike Welder or YouthLINC.

PROGRAM: Jeannine Holt introduced Craig Harding of the SGPD. He shared some graphic and occasionally disturbing videos taken of accidents involving speed, or where drivers were distracted with cell phones (which increase the incidence of accidents by 400%), or when drivers were not wearing seat belts. According to Harding, his job is to convince drivers to change their behavior to reduce injury accidents. "Stop trying to make it through the yellow light! Stop using cell phones behind the wheel. Watch for motorcycles and other oncoming vehicles by looking left, right and left again. Back off, slow down and wear seat belts!"
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