Bob Bramlage, SGR’s Sergeant-at-Arms was on duty greeting Rotarians and others visitors to the 3735th regular weekly meeting of St. George Rotary. Ray Robinson lead the SGR Choir in both verses of that "golden oldie" "Home on the Range." Andy Anderson invited members to follow him in the Pledge of Allegiance and Durant McArthur asked for the blessings of heaven on the meeting and the meal. Grant Carter conducted a rollicking rendition of Horseplay while Reed Noble collected fines on behalf of Operation School Bell.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Durant McArthur announced his departure on April 6 for a one year LDS mission with his wife to Portland, Oregon.
Ken Sizemore circulated a list asking members to identify on which committee (membership, international service, youth service, vocational, club or community service) they wished to serve. He also announced a New Member Orientation meeting on the evening of Thursday, April 9 at the offices of the Five County Association of Governments. Invitations will be sent soon to everyone who has not attended in the past.
Ray Robinson announced 9 youth exchange students would be in St. George on the weekend of April 23-25. He still needs housing for 3-4 high school age young women. Members of SGR who can accept this assignment are encouraged to call Ray as soon as possible.

PROGRAM: Jeannine Holt introduced Ladel Laub, CEO of Dixie Escalante Electric and Phil Solomon representing the City of St. George. The two businessmen are now partners in the exciting and unique photovoltaic solar farm, designed to give local residents the opportunity to purchase solar power to supplement the energy supplied by more conventional means. The innovative solution to high energy costs and oil dependency is called SunSmart, and taps the natural, safe and clean renewable resource available 310 days a year. Like wind and hydropower, solar power produces no emissions and no byproducts. The City of St. George has also worked with the Utah State Legislature to make it possible for homeowners to take advantage of state tax credits for renewable energy investment from an off-site system. For more information, call 627-4841 or go online to to download the purchasing contract.
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