ANNOUNCEMENTS: President Jeff Morby announced a change of meeting place for Monday, March 9. SGR will meet at the Courtyard Marriott, located at 185 S. 1470 East (beyond Target).
President Jeff explained the funding quandary SGR is facing in having to come up with $10,000 as a match for the Guatemalan stove project matched by RI. Jeff explained he is working with other clubs in the state for collective support of up to $5000.
PROGRAM: Bob Bramlage introduced Marilyn Valle, from the Assistance League. Valle explained their principle program is Operation School Bell which provides appropriate school clothing - including new shirts, pants, underwear, socks, toothbrush and toothpaste and a new winter parka - for approximately 300 children in need in 13 Washington County Schools, where 23% of all students are on the free lunch program. According to Valle, "research shows when children have the proper clothing, they do better in the classroom and their attendance and self-esteem improves." A donation of only $60 outfits a chile with new clothes and new confidence. For more information, call 688-9399 or on the internet at http://www.alofsu.org./
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