Bob Bramlage, SGR’s Sergeant-at-Arms was on duty greeting Rotarians and others visitors to the 3733nd regular weekly meeting of St. George Rotary, held this week at the Courtyard Marriott. Ray Robinson lead the SGR Choir in "My Country, Tis of Thee." Lee Warren, our own Flag Man, invited members to follow him in the Pledge of Allegiance and Ken Sizemore asked for the blessings of heaven the meeting and the meal. Byron McLeese led a high energy Horseplay while Richard Brown collected fines on behalf of Operation School Bell.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: SGR's incoming president Ken Sizemore, newly returned from PETS (President Elect Training Seminar), enthusiastically recognized Gil Trujillo, Utah’s incoming Rotary District Governor for "running the show with ease" and Jim Coleman in a "fedora, trench coat and dark glasses" greeting new presidents to a membership workshop. Ken expressed his pride in his home club which has 100% participation in the "Every Rotarian / Every Year" program. He noted goals for next year include a contribution of $3000 to the permanent fund, and increase in Paul Harris Fellows among club members;and, "every member will be assigned to a committee."

PROGRAM: Jeannine Holt introduced members of the Washington County Drug Task Force. Sam Despain is the K-9 handler and Curtis Blake works on cases involving prescription drug abuse. Together, they are working to slow the rising use of heroin, considered the fastest growing drug use problem in Washington County, particularly popular among middle school students. It is relatively inexpensive, easily accessible and can be injected, snorted, smoked or ingested through suppositories - and leads to addiction to other drugs. It is easy to overdose on heroin, and some users are addicted after only one use. The drug task force currently employs seven fulltime drug detectives, "but we could use seven more!" In addition to heroin use, Utah leads the nation in prescription drug use.
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