Bob Bramlage, SGR’s Sergeant-at-Arms was on duty with Jeannine Holt greeting Rotarians and others visitors to the 3734th regular weekly meeting of St. George Rotary. Ray Robinson lead the SGR Choir in an interesting rendition of "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. Lee Warren, our own Flag Man, invited members to follow him in the Pledge of Allegiance and Don Pendleton asked for the blessings of heaven on the meeting and the meal. Allen Hilton was right on target with a rollicking rendition of Horseplay while Richard Isom collected fines on behalf of Operation School Bell.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Ray Robinson reported a visit with Don Dunham who recently had a stroke, but is now recuperating at home. According to Ray, Don is struggling to regain his health and cognitive ability, but is determined to return to Rotary as soon as he is able. In the meantime, cards and scheduled visitors are always welcome.
Dan Strobell reported the $3000 matching grant has been submitted for a match by RI. Dan noted, "$6000 will make a huge difference in the lives of Guatemalan families who receive the stoves."
Ken Sizemore circulated a list asking members to identify on which committee (membership, international service, youth service, vocational, club or community service) they wished to serve. He also announced a New Member Orientation meeting on the evening of Thursday, April 9 at the offices of the Five County Association of Governments. Invitations will be sent soon to everyone who has not attended in the past. He also encouraged a goal of 100% Paul Harris Fellows for the club. Information on how that goal can be accomplished will be announced soon.

PROGRAM: Jeannine Holt introduced Bob Flowers, public safety director for Ivins City. Flowers is also the former St. George City police chief, Utah Commissioner of Public Safety during the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City and until recently, the regional director for FEMA, based in Denver, Colorado. Recalling a call from "White House Personnel" inviting him to a discussion about becoming a "permanent appointee to an unnamed position," Flowers said he thought at first it was a joke! According to Flowers, "FEMA is a complex, but very small organization which exists to reach deeply into the U. S. Treasury to send money to communities in times of crisis. FEMA is a money organization, not a response organization. It really got a bad name after the hurricanes in the gulf coast because people did not understand FEMA’s purpose and function. FEMA is all about money!" He also encouraged members of SGR to consider how prepared they each are for the possibility of a major disaster. "There is a disaster going on somewhere in the world all the time and Utah is long overdue for a major earthquake. If you are in the middle of it, your comfort level will be determined by how prepared you are personally. The government isn’t in charge of making you comfortable!"