OPENING: Don Pendleton was in his usual place as Sergeant-at-arms noting the presence (or absence) of members and visitors to SGR. Ray Robinson led members in an offbeat rendition of “Shine On Harvest Moon” Christina Schultz led members in a recitation of the 4-Way Test. Bob Bramlage, back after several months away, invited members to follow him in the Pledge of Allegiance. Kyle Case asked for the blessings of heaven on the meeting and the meal. Dan Strobell conducted a spirited Horseplay, on behalf of the Guatemala stove project, while Jeff Morby collected fines!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Linda Baker reported a successful RYLA with 142 students from all across Utah, including 4 teens sponsored by SGR

PROGRAM: President Grant introduced West Martin, Program Chairman, who introduced Christina Schultz, Executive Director of the DOCUtah project who introduced Phil Tuckett, the brains and brawn behind the first ever International Documentary Film Festival at Dixie State College. An associate professor at DSC, director of the Dick Nourse Center for Media Innovation; the producer, director and writer for NFL Films; a former player for the San Diego Chargers football team; and the winner of 30 Emmy Awards for outstanding television, Tuckett shared his vision for DOCUtah. “Doing it for the love of the game,” was his answer when asked why he and college had decided to jump into this enormous project which “accepts diversity outside of our community.”
Approximately 150 films - from 487 submissions from film makers in 36 countries - will be at the centerpiece of DOCUtah, which will run from an opening night at Tuacahn on Thursday, September 16 to a closing event at the OC Tanner Amphitheater in Springdale. The documentary films will be shown at several local movie theaters in St. George, at venues in Kanab and on the college campus. Tickets are on sale at the Dixie State College box office.
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