OPENING: Don Pendleton was in his usual place as Sergeant-at-arms noting the presence (or absence) of members and visitors to SGR - held this week at the Eccles Fine Arts Center on the campus of Dixie State College. Ray Robinson led members in a touching rendition of “America” and a spirited chorus of “Are You From Dixie?” accompanied on the piano by Heidi Mitchell, a talented DSC music student. Bob Bramlage invited members to follow him in the Pledge of Allegiance. Durant McArthur asked for the blessings of heaven on the meeting and the meal. Christina Schultz conducted a lucrative Horseplay, on behalf of Dixie State College, while Terance White collected fines!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: June McAfee reported the dictionaries are in and will soon be ready for distribution to 3rd graders throughout the school district. She will be in contact with those who have signed up for this service.

Ken Sizemore announced there are still a half dozen tickets available for tonight’s performance of “Crazy for You” at Tuacahn. Tickets are discounted to $22 each and the meal, provided by the Golden Corral Restaurant will be paid for by SGR. He also announced two upcoming service projects: October 15-16 is the International Festival as part of the Huntsman World Senior Games. Volunteers are needed to man the booth. The city of St. George has approached Ken about helping on Saturday, October 23 to plant trees at the SK8 Park.

PROGRAM: Dixie State College President Stephen Nadauld spoke of the excitement on campus surrounding the 100 year anniversary of the school, noting enrollment has increased by 60% in the past three years as bachelors degree programs have been introduced bringing the head count to more than 9000 students. He also noted outreach to China has resulted in the enrollment of 2 students and the hope of up to 200 more in future years. On that note, the president added the number of minority students has increased by 120%.
Exciting things are happening on the campus. The recent DOCUtah was the first introduction to the community of this exciting documentary film festival. On February 5, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and the Orchestra on Temple Square will perform on campus. A new 170,000 square foot library will soon be under construction. The current library will be renovated to become Math and Science Building and the building known on campus as “the NIB” (North Instructional Building) will be renovated to become the Education Department. A Centennial Pavilion will soon be completed with activities to include sand volleyball; and, the college is replacing the astro-turf on the football field. The college has recently signed an agreement with a California film company to produce infomercials, commercials and movies in partnership with DSC’s media center, which now includes KCSG-TV. The Public Broadcast System (PBS) is working on a documentary about DSC which will be aired in December . . . “and we are well on our way to becoming a college town!” said the president.
Rotarians, who enjoyed a delicious lunch prepared by DSC Campus Dining, were invited to enjoy the display of memorabilia reflecting the successes and changes on the college campus over a century.
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