OPENING: Don Pendleton was in his usual place as Sergeant-at-arms noting the presence (or absence) of members and visitors to SGR. Ray Robinson opened the meeting with a spirited rendition of “You’re A Grand Old Flag.” Kris Neal invited members to follow her in the Pledge of Allegiance after which SGR’s newest member Kip Bowler asked for the blessings of heaven on the meeting and the meal. Lee Sheets took the reins for a boisterous Horseplay while Kurt Johnson collected fines on behalf of CANstruction!
INDUCTIONS: Two new Rotarians were inducted by Prez-elect Grant Carter. Laura Taylor (classification: Real Estate) is sponsored by Jenny McDowell. Richard Luekenga (classification: Audiology) is sponsored by Ray Robinson, bringing the current total of members in SGR to 68!

PROGRAM: With Grant Carter conducting, in the absence of President Ken Sizemore, Linda Baker introduced Rob Tersigni, candidate for the office of Washington County sheriff. Tersigni, who attended “played basketball at all the BYU’s (Provo, Rexburg, ID and Hawaii)” graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management. He is currently serving as Chief Deputy over field operations with the Sheriff’s Office managing a $14 million budget and “is serious about the problems associated with illegal immigration. Right now, the numbers are down slightly due to our poor economy, but they’ll be back! We need more ICE agents doing their jobs and we need more officers on patrol.” Tersigni is also concerned about the activities of more than 500 known gang members in the county. The former Ivins City police chief promises “strong enforcement of the laws relating to criminal activities.” Elections take place on Tuesday, June 22. Don’t forget to vote.
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