PROGRAM: President Ken reminded board members of their upcoming meeting - on Monday, May 10 (rather than Tuesday, May 11) at the Holiday Inn, since there will be no regular club meeting.
President Ken also shared a letter of thanks from Chad Clayton, Snow Canyon High School Sterling Scholar in General Scholarship. "This program has been a tremendous blessing in my life and at its foundation lies the support of donations like yours . . . which shows an interest in and committment to the rising generation and pushes us to work harder to bevome true scholars."
Jeff Morby reminded members and guests there is still time to sign up for the Rotary golf tournament on Thursday, May 13.
Sam McArthur bore testimony of the power of Rotary to do good in the world - particularly in countries where governments are in turmoil.
Glade Hamilton, Asst. District Governor in Region 10, shared his belief Rotary can make a difference - a fact he did not know until he studied and immersed himself in its concepts.
Ken Seefeld shared the details of Rotary finance - how much, how often and for what?
The meeting ended with cake being shared while answering questions for prospective members.
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