OPENING: Sergeant-at-arms Don Pendleton was on duty greeting members and visitors to St. George Rotary. Ray Robinson led the SGR Choir in a rousing rendition of "Let There Be Peace on Earth." June McAfee invited members to follow her in the Pledge of Allegiance. West Martin asked for the blessings of heaven on the meeting and the meal. Jim Coleman stirred members into a frenzy of donations on behalf of the upcoming Utah Rotary District Conference with Nancy Neff collecting the filthy lucre for Polio Plus.
Grant Carter conducted the meeting in the absence of President Ken Sizemore. The Prez-elect had high praise for the content and presenters at the recent Uah Rotary District Conference. Jeff Morby reported the URDC golf tournament raised $2200 for Polio Plus.
New members will be inducted next week. Keep recruiting!

PROGRAM: Dan Strobell shared his enthusiasm for the people of Guatemala. He noted they are changing the circumstances for - particularly - children, but placing stoves in homes where women have traditionally cooked over an open fire. Girls in these homes are required to leave school in the early grades to look for wood and water every day. Jim Coleman, Reed Noble, Sam McArthur, Dan McArthur and Lowry Snow, who traveled with Dan spoke of the life-changing adventure they shared with Dan.
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