OPENING: Sergeant-at-Arms Donald Ira Pendleton greeted Rotarians and guests. Ray Robinson lead the SGR Choir in a harmonious rendition of "America, the Beautiful" to open the 3758th meeting of SGR. Richard Brown invited members to follow him in the Pledge of Allegiance and Allen Hilton asked for the blessings of heaven on the meeting and the meal. Terance White conducted an energetic Horseplay with fines, in support of Operation School Bell, collected by Jack Petersen.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: President Ken announced a date change for the Rotary Family Party at Staheli Farm / Corn Maze to Friday, October 2. Watch for more details.

PROGRAM: Linda Baker introduced Jim Coleman, a former Utah Rotary District Governor, the former Executive Director of the Dixie Rotary Bowl, and most recently designated as a Green Realtor. According to Jim, "we, as a community and a nation, must do a better job of managing our resources and our energy." The principal broker at ERA Brokers Consolidated Real Estate indicated the Southern Utah Home Builders Association has offered two course in green building, with "green" defined as energy efficient and environmentally friendly practices to lessen the impact of society on the earth. Calling "green the new gold," Jim noted it is currently more expensive to build green because of the add-on requirements for builders. "Is it worth it," the realtor questioned. "The jury is still out!" But, he added, "the time is coming when, in order to sell a home, an evaluation will be required to determine the level of green!"
What are the benefits of Green Design?
- Lower insurance rates because of reduced risk of mold and other environmental hazards
- Flexible design cuts cost of moving employees
- Interactive, well-planned design can avoid errors and delays
- Enhances the existing built environment leading to higher rent
- Green features increase the asset value and brings a higher sales price

For more information on local efforts to go green, see:
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