ANNOUNCEMENTS: President Ken reminded members of the Rotary Family Party at Staheli Farm / Corn Maze to Friday, October 2. Watch for more details.
Rotarian Gene Jones has two pinched nerves in his back and is unable to drive.
Fred Berthrong will speak on the subject of the RI Foundation at the Monday, November 2 meeting of SGR.
Ken Seefeld told members the Holiday Inn charges per plate. Members who may take 2 plates cost the club an additional $12 per week.
Board members are encouraged to attend the District Membership Workshop on Saturday, November 7 in Provo. Watch for more details.
PROGRAM: Dr. LuAnn Forrest, Students Services Director for the Washington County School District shared the district’s planning for the H1N1 flu pandemic. With more than 25,000 students and 1300 teachers and faculty in five cities, it is imperative for the district to "mitigate, prepare, respond and recover.
Forrest noted the district is currently taking all necessary precautions, but schools remain open. As the virus continues to affect students, faculty, families and neighbors, the district will take a more aggressive approach such as screening students at the classroom door, increasing time spent at home after diagnosis, keeping family members of infected students home, or dismiss at-risk students (even if they have no symptoms).

Symptoms include a fever of 101 or higher, cough, sore throat, aches and joint pain, fatigue and weakness, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, stuffy nose or any combination thereof.
To reduce the possibility of contamination or contaminating others, cough into your shoulder or sleeve, wash hands regularly and get a flu shot. The seasonal flu shot is available now. The H1N1 shot will be available in late October or early November. For more information, see on the internet or contact the Southwest Utah Public Health Department.
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