Washington County’s CJC, a homelike environment in a private/public partership, primarly serves minors under age 18 who are victims of alleged sexual or physical abuse or other crimes where a child is the primary victim or critical winess, such as domestic violence, drug endangerment and internet exploitation.
Today, children in all of Utah’s 29 counties are served by 22 such organizations, working closely with the Utah Attorney General’s office. CJC’s throughout the state provide one-stop shopping, including assault examinations and forensic interviews by specially trained professionals.
Since 2015 there has been a 2000% increase in reports of abuse to 58 so far this year, with a total of 219 interviews to date, in keeping with Utah’s mandatory reporting law.
According to Teeples, 1 in 3 of Utah girls is abused by age 18; 1 in 5 boys is abused by age 18 … and there is an alarming rise in the number of young perpetrators.
States the ED, her non-profit organization is always looking for volunteers … and donations of such items as snack items, paper towels, dish soap, toilet paper and cleaning supplies.
She also noted CJC will be selling apples again this year – usually around Thanksgiving – at a price of $36 a bushel. For more information, to donate or to order apples, call (435) 634-1134.
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