Christensen from the Utah Pork Producers Association spoke about “the other
white meat” noting there have been a great many changes to the way pork is
raised and marketed in the past 30-40 years.
It was in the 1970’s, when Americans became health conscious and
rejected high fat pork in their diets.
As they ran, joined gyms and made healthier food choices, chicken became
the meat-of-choice prompting pork producers to rethink the way the animals are
fed, housed and prepared for market.
first pigs came to Utah with the pioneers in 1847, and by 2008 pig production
had become a $170 million industry in the state. Today, Utah is 15th in swine
production in the United States and plays a significant role in the state’s
economy. In addition to the meat
produced for consumption, the “leftover” parts are used in more than 180
different products, including yogurt, toothpaste, ammunition, concrete,
crayons, clothing, shoes, paintbrushes, insulation and more. Insulin from pigs is used to treat diabetes,
pig skin is used to treat severe burn victims and pig heart valves are used to
replace damaged or diseased human heart valves.
Produce safe food
Protect and promote animal well
Ensure practices to protect public
Safeguard natural resources in all
Provide a safe work environment
consistent with our other ethical principles
Contribute to a better quality of
life in Utah communities
For more information, contact Heather Christensen at hehchristensen@yahoo.com.
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