Motivational speaker Jeffrey T. Sherman shared his wit and wisdom in
helping club members understand their positive traits and talents
which can move them forward in life, including Character, Opportunities,
Relationships and Education (CORE).
strongly advocate for leaders to draw upon the excellence of those around them
to create a cause. Find the unknown
aspirations, the creativity and the life within your company. Foster a culture of collaboration and
thought. Come together as a company and 'raise a barn.' People will rally around
something in which they believe.”
Sherman also encouraged “brave leaders” to promote from within,
learn to listen, provide recognition rather than to seek it, conquer yourself –
not to the point of perfection, but to the point of compassion, find out what
others aspire to do with their lives and earnestly motivate your team members
to accomplish worthy tasks.
For more information on Sherman’s belief in the aspirations of individuals to act as a catalyst for change, call him at 313-3006; by e-mail to or on the web at
For more information on Sherman’s belief in the aspirations of individuals to act as a catalyst for change, call him at 313-3006; by e-mail to or on the web at
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