TODAY IN ROTARY there were a number of important
announcements as follows:
Rotary Christmas Party will begin at 6 p.m. on
Friday, December 11 at the Ledges Golf Course.
Please bring an unwrapped gift for a child and/or donate something to
the Silent Auction.
Toiletries for an Eagle Scout project at the
Veterans Home in Ivins must be turned in no later than Monday, December 7.
There are still 6 schools which have not yet
received their dictionaries. See Reed
Noble with any questions.
Elections will be held on Monday, December
14. Rulon Olson has agreed to run for
the position of President-elect Nominee.
Brandon Staples, Bryan Wheat and Lynn Beecher have thrown their hats in
the ring for two positions on the board and Janet O’Riley has indicated her
willingness to serve as secretary.
Today’s speaker, Linda Baker is a longtime member of SGR and
is currently Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity of Southwest Utah, an
assignment she refers to as “my next great adventure.” In her presentation, she dispelled many of
the rumors about Habitat, including “it is not a give away program … one of the
requirements to become a Habitat homeowner is the ability to pay a mortgage
payment every month.” Linda also
indicated “this is such a change for me.
In the non-profit sector, I was surprised to learn we have to raise the
money to fund our paychecks.” Habitat
for Humanity of Southwest Utah is one of approximately 1700 affiliates
worldwide participating as part of an affordable housing Christian
ministry. In Washington County for 20
years, HFHSWU has built 21 homes for qualified low-income families. They will soon break ground on the 22nd
home on the last lot they own “free and clear.”
In our affluent community, finding affordable property to build homes
on, is “one of our biggest issues.”
To qualify for a HFHSWU home, applicants must meet the
following requirements:
a resident of Washington County for at least one
legally able to work in the USA
meet 30-60% of the area median income
demonstrate the ability to repay a 0% mortgage
payment each month
partner with the affiliate in providing 250
hours of sweat equity
graduate from a financial management program
save up to be able to afford a small down
Habitat for Humanity of SW Utah also tithes 10% of all
ReStore profits and pays $4500 for each home built in Washington County to
build another home in a 3rd world country. To date, HFHSWU has provided these funds for
homes in Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Chile and Haiti.
Linda also indicated her enthusiasm and appreciation for
volunteers who willingly come out to help with a variety of projects at the
ReStore, assist in the completion of A Brush with Kindness projects and build
There are many opportunities to serve through Habitat.
Call Linda or Lil at 674-7669, ext. 3 or
email to
community@habitatswu.org to
speak to Lil Barron, Director of Community Development and Engagement.