OPENING: Don Pendleton was in his usual place as Sergeant-at-arms noting the presence (or absence) of members and visitors to SGR at the Holiday Inn. Ray Robinson led members in a harmonious rendition of “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” Bob Bramlage led members in a recitation of the 4-Way Test of “the things we think, say and do.” Bob McMillan invited members to follow him in the Pledge of Allegiance. Terance White asked for the blessings of heaven on the meeting and the meal. Reed Noble conducted a lucrative Horseplay, on behalf of the Guatemalan stove project, while Janet O’Riley collected fines!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: PDG Gil Trujillo explained the process for amending club bylaws, after which Grant Carter asked members to vote to accept $10,000 in unexpended funds from the Utah Rotary District Conference in May to be used exclusively for official Rotary youth programs (i.e., Interact, Rotaract, RYLA and Youth Exchange). Voting was unanimous in the affirmative to create the Linda Sappington Youth Scholarship Fund.
June McAfee reported Rotarians are invited to meet at Reed Noble’s office to put stickers in the dictionaries after which they will be ready for distribution to 3rd graders throughout the school district. Members are also invited to call her for information about the project.
Ken Sizemore asked members to sign up for a shift on October 15-16 at the International Festival as part of the Huntsman World Senior Games. Volunteers are needed to man the booth. The city of St. George has also approached Ken about helping on Saturday, October 23 (National Make-A-Difference Day) to plant trees at the SK8 Park.
Greg Basso introduced the Challenge of 80 wheelchair project. Chairs cost approximately $150 each. Over the next 15 months (until December 31, 2011) members can donate $10 per month to reach the goal of 80 wheelchairs.

PROGRAM: Today’s “Know Yer Ro” features two relatively new members: Bob McMillan and Bob Miller. McMillan, the oldest of 6 children, grew up in Layton, Utah. He served an LDS mission in Calgary, Canada before taking a job with Lindquist Mortuary in Layton. He attended school in Kansas City, KS, graduating with a degree in Mortuary Science then relocated to Flagstaff, Arizona. In 2006, he and his family moved to St. George where he took a position with Heideman Mortuary. In 2008, he opened McMillan Mortuary and is gradually getting used to the summers in Dixie. He and his wife Sue have four sons ages 20, 17, 15 and 7. Together the family enjoys sports of all kinds, including basketball in the back yard.

Bob Miller notes he “has been visiting SGR longer than many members have been members!” A Rotarian from New York state since 1975 - with 13 years of perfect attendance - Bob has spent a portion of every year since 1995 attending St. George Rotary Club. A world traveler, Bob reports he has “made up meetings in England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Norway, Finland, Singapore and France.” For 42 years, Bob has been involved in education - first in elementary schools and later teaching teachers at the State University of New York, which he calls “the most rewarding job ever!” Bob and his wife Sally are the proud parents of three who have produced 7 “grands” and 3 “greats.”
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