OPENING: Sergeant-at-arms Don Pendleton was on duty greeting members and visitors to St. George Rotary. Ray Robinson led the SGR Choir in a harmonious rendition of the first and last verses of “America the Beautiful.” Kris Neal invited members to follow her in the Pledge of Allegiance. Ken Sizemore asked for the blessings of heaven on the meeting and the meal and Don Pendleton led members in a recitation of the 4-Way Test. Sam McArthur took to the podium for a spirited Horseplay while Dan Strobell collected fines in support of Kris Neal’s feral cat program.
President Grant Carter announced next week’s meeting will feature Utah Rotary District Governor Penny Atkinson.
Phil Hall indicated some members have asked whether it is too late to take advantage of matching funds for Paul Harris Fellows. He will check and report back next week.
Greg Basso asked for volunteers to help with his backpack project on Friday, July 30 at 10 a.m. at Shepherd of the Hills Methodist Church.

PROGRAM: Linda Sappington introduced the program which featured members of the Youth Volunteer Corps of Washington County with team leaders Becky Cox, an AmeriCorps member assigned to Community Education and Kayla Shenfeld, a VISTA Summer Associate at the Volunteer Center of Washington County. More than 30 youth volunteers between the ages of 11-14 are taking part in the Summer of Service “100 Hours in 100 Days” program where they are learning to “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” and sharing their knowledge and expertise through the production of public service announcements currently running on Canyon Media’s Planet 94.1 radio station; TV ad spots and power point presentations explaining the problems associated with nearly 40,000 pounds of discarded plastic, metal, glass and paper per year for every American! The kids have taken a field trip to the landfill, learned marketing techniques at the Dick Norris Communication Center at Dixie State College and are planning a tour and service project at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore and will make a presentation to the Washington County Commission in early August. St. George City Mayor Dan McArthur answered the students’ questions about the city’s recycling efforts. At the end of their 100 hours, each student will receive a $500 education award from the Corporation for National and Community Service which can be used anytime in the next ten years at a college or university of their choice.
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