OPENING: Sergeant-at-arms Don Pendleton was on duty greeting members and visitors to St. George Rotary. Ray Robinson led the SGR Choir in a happy rendition of “In the Good Old Summer Time” (otherwise known as the “Tootsie Wootsie” Song. Lee Sheets invited members to follow him in the Pledge of Allegiance. Nick Lang asked for the blessings of heaven on the meeting and the meal.
President Ken Sizemore welcomed PDG Gil Trujillo home after a year of running up and down the freeway visiting everyone of Utah’s 44 clubs.
PROGRAM: President Ken called his “a great year. Despite the impact of the economic downturn which resulted in a major loss in membership, we have ended the year with a half dozen new and enthusiastic members bringing the total from 63 to 69 with 2-3 more putting in applications!” Ken also noted how much he and Barbara enjoyed the opportunity to attend the RI Convention in Birmingham, England “where members become Rotarians!”
During the year, the club enjoyed a Halloween Social at Staheli Family Farm and a memorable Christmas party planned by Shar Heitkotter and Greg Basso. “The low point in my year as president was when the decision was made to do away with the Dixie Rotary Bowl . . . the high point was the accomplishment of my personal goal to have ‘boots on the ground in Guatemala.’”
President Ken also recognized Linda Sappington for chairing the Utah Rotary District Conference in May then distributed Distinguished Service Awards, as follows:
* Doug Seefeld (for giving up his two week vacation to review and reorganize SGR’s bookkeeping)
* June McAfee (for taking the Dictionary Project to a whole new level)
* Dan Strobell, Jim Coleman, Dan and Sam McArthur, Reed Noble and Lowry Snow for “boots on the ground in Guatemala"
* Ray and Ruby Robinson (a decade of service to Rotary youth)
* Linda Sappington (SGR’s “go to” girl / seretary)
President Ken also awarded nine members with Perfect Attendance certificates totaling 100 years of “service above self”, as follows:
* Eldon McArthur (36 years)
* Donald Ira Pendleton (22 years)
* Ray Robinson (12 years)
* Jim Coleman (10 years)
* Linda Sappington (5 years)
* Nick Lang (5 years)
* Gil Trujillo (4 years)
* Ken Sizemore (3 years)
* Richard Isom (3 years)
New president Grant Carter indicated his #1 priority is to develop a successful and sustainable fundraiser as he accepted the president’s pin for 2010-11. On behalf of a grateful club, he expressed gratitude for Ken Sizemore’s outstanding leadership this year. Those who will assist President Grant in his year in the club’s top spot include:
~ Linda Baker youth service
~ West Martin programs
~ Jenny McDowell membership / directory
~ Kyle Case public relations
~ Ken Sizemore community service
~ Ken Seefeld treasurer
~ Kris Neal assistant treasurer
~ Linda Sappington secretary