ANNOUNCEMENTS: President Ken Sizemore announced Jim Coleman, Reed Noble and Lowry Snow will be traveling to Guatemala in May, in what Dan Strobell calls a "guys getaway week!"
President Ken encouraged current and next year’s board members to attend the upcoming District Assembly on Saturday, April 17 in Cedar City. He also encouraged attendance at the upcoming Utah Rotary District Conference the weekend of May 13-15 in St. George.
It is time to consider a candidate to serve as Utah District Governor in 2013-14.
Rotary license plates are now available for sale.
Greg Basso announced all monies have been collected for the purchase of wheelchairs. Anyone interested in purchasing chairs are encouraged to contact Greg at 680-5178.
Terance White encouraged participation by all members in a new program to increase membership. Current club members have been divided into four teams (Team Truth, Team Fair, Team Beneficial and Team Goodwill). Teams which bring in the most number of new members in the next 30 days will win prizes, including dues paid for a designated period of time and to the individual club member who brings in the most new members will win two movie tickets and a $50 gift certificate for a local restaurant. Points will be given for new members by age, those recruited to fill vacant classifications or bringing former members back into activity. FMI, call Terance at 669-2125.
Ed Rogers called his "the little club that could!" Washington County’s newest Rotary Club, chartered 7 years ago, has monthly service projects with most members participating. The most profitable is valet parking at the Washington County Fair which generates enough funding to provide small grants in support of local organizations with a focus on youth. This year, Red Rock Rotary Club will distribute approximately $7000 in grants. Other projects supported by Red Rock include the Utah Academic Decathlon, a dictionary project and the Red Rock Music Festival, scheduled this year on Saturday, May 8 in the Town Square.
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