OPENING: Donald Ira Pendleton was steadfast in his role as Sergeant-at-Arms meeting and greetings members and visitors to the 3768th meeting of SGR. Ray Robinson was back - after an unnerving bout with something-or-other which resulted in a hospital stay - leading the SGR Choir in a couple of verses of "Silent Night." Ken Seefeld invited members to follow him in the Pledge of Allegiance and Les Stoker asked for the blessings of heaven on the meeting and the meal. Greg Basso conducted Horseplay while Kris Neal collected the "filthy lucre" on behalf of 2108 children who will have a Christmas thanks to Coins for Kids.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jeff Morby, chairman of the Nominating Committee announced elections on Monday, January 4. Terance White and Phil Hall are running for the office of President Elect (Nominee) to serve in 2012-13. West Martin and Jenny McDowell are running unopposed for two positions on the SGR board and Linda Sappington is running unopposed for the office of secretary. Jeff opened nominations from the club, but none were made.
Ken Seefeld explained the new billing process for dues and voluntary donations, noting billings are now in advance to improve cash flow. Members will soon be receiving invoices for January, February and March. Any questions relating to this change in procedure may be discussed with Ken Seefeld or with President Ken Sizemore.
PROGRAM: Linda Baker introduced speaker Skyler Christensen, who recently returned from travel to Brazil as a member of Utah’s GSE team.