OPENING: Ray Robinson lead the SGR Choir in a rousing rendition of "4-Leafed Clover" to kick start the 3756th meeting of SGR. Chris Coons invited members to follow him in the Pledge of Allegiance and Don Pendleton asked for the blessings of heaven on the meeting and the meal. Les Stoker conducted Horseplay with fines collected by Gene Jones.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: President Ken read a letter of thanks from former Dixie State College student body president Brock Bybee who recently underwent brain surgery and a letter of resignation from Dean Nixon who finds it necessary to leave the club because of business and family obligations.
Steve Nadauld, president of Dixie State College announced the largest student body in the schools history with 7400 students representing 24% growth over last year. He also announced a football game on Thursday between longtime rivals, Dixie State College and SUU - the first such gridiron faceoff in 47 years!
President Ken reminded board members of the upcoming meeting on Tuesday morning, September 8 and reminded club members there will be no meeting on Labor Day, Monday, September 7.
PROPOSED NEW MEMBER: Darrell Wright has been proposed for membership by Steve Radmall. Any comments regarding this new membership should be directed to a member of the board.

PROGRAM: Linda Baker introduced Judy Zone, representing YouthLINC; Laura Shrader, past president of DSC’s Rotaract Club and Chelsea Goold, director of DSC’s Campus Service program and the state’s 2006 YouthLINC Humanitarian Scholarship winner. Judy reminded members of SGR that September is Rotary’s "New Generations" Month, noting youth are the future of this nation and of Rotary! According to Zone, her program has 130 young men and women from all over the state who do 80-100 hours of service in their local communities and travel to Mexico, Peru, Kenya and Thailand as "quiet doers" to help those in need. Zone said with noticeable pride only about 5% of those who apply to YouthLINC have a background in service, but 93% of the program’s alums continue to serve in remarkable ways. Another benefit, according to Zone, is the increased knowledge about Rotary among YouthLINC participants. "About 40% of them have ever heard of Rotary in the beginning, but according to a survey at the end of their year, 100% of YouthLINC participants consider their knowledge of Rotary to be ‘good’ to ‘excellent!’" Laura Shrader, recently returned from two weeks in Thailand, shared her power point presentation, her memories and her belief "Rotarians are a great help all over the world!"

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