OPENING: Terance White is beginning to put names and faces together in his new assignment on SGR’s board. To accomplish his goal of getting to know everyone, he took attendance and greeted Rotarians and visitors to the 3749th meeting of SGR. Ray Robinson conducted the SGR choir in a particularly harmonious rendition of “America the Beautiful.” Shar Heitkotter invited members to follow her in the Pledge of Allegiance. Phil Hall lead members in a recitation of the 4-Way Test. Lee Sheets asked for the blessings of heaven on the meeting and the meal. President Jeff called for a 1099 vote in the amount of $3 per member in lieu of Horseplay.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: President Jeff announced an increase in monthly dues from $50 to $60 since the club has been losing money monthly due to the increase in RI fees and voluntary contributions for Polio Plus, EREY and other Rotary costs. Greg Basso voted against the action, but all other members voted in favor.

PROGRAM: President Jeff shared a retrospective of his year in the form of a power point presentation, reminding members of the fun and service provided to the club and the community since July 2008. “It wasn’t all good news. We lost 17 – but gained 8 new members - bringing our total membership to 82. On the other hand, we met our commitment to Polio Plus, improved the Rotary Bowl in numerous ways; held an orientation for new members and reactivated a few others; and had 75% of our members fulfill their commitment to EREY.” According to Jeff, “this year we strengthened our Interact clubs, purchased another 22 wheelchairs, contributed $30,000 to the purchase and installation of stoves in Guatemala and distributed 2100 dictionaries to 3rd graders in 74 Washington County classrooms.”
Perfect attendance awards were distributed to Eldon McArthur (34 years), Don Pendleton (19 years), Jim Coleman (9 years), Gary Benson, Andy Anderson, Linda Sappington, Shar Heitkotter, and (the complete list will have to wait until I get home from Denver).
“Service above self” awards were given to Gary Benson for his efforts to organize the Washington City Cotton Days parade and for his service as the Rotary chauffer; Shar Heitkotter and Greg Basso for being Santa's elves. Shar was also recognized for her service as chair of the DRB committee and Greg was recognized for his efforts to promote the wheelchair program. Linda Sappington was recognized as the club's Super Blogger. Gil Trujillo received an award as southern Utah's Rotary ambassador (and the rest of the list will have to wait until I get home from Denver).

Special recognition was given to Ken Sizemore, Grant Carter, Linda Baker, Linda Sappington, Ken Seefeld, Kris Neal, Mark Armstrong, Terance White, Kerry Hepworth, Bob Bramlage, Reed Noble and Allen Hilton were given special thanks for their support of Jeff Morby during his year as president in 2008-09. Linda Sappington was named 2009 Rotarian of the Year.
Ken Sizemore was inducted as 2009-2010 president. Board members who will help him meet his goals include Ken Seefeld as treasurer, Kris Neal as assistant treasurer, Linda Sappington as secretary, Linda Baker with responsibilities for club administration. Terance White and Grant Carter will oversee recruiting and retaining members; with Phil Hall with responsibilities for the programs of the Rotary Foundation; Jerry Rasmussen coordinating service in the community and the world; and Bill Fowler managing duties relating to public information.