Rotarians and spouses gathered on Monday, December 15 for the 3722nd meeting of St. George Rotary Club and SGR's first ever daytime Christmas party. Ray Robinson lead the SGR Choir in a festive rendition of "Jingle Bells" followed by a harmonious version of "Joy to the World."

Lee Warren led members in the Pledge of Allegiance. Sterling Spafford asked for the blessings of heaven on the meeting and the meal - which included a choice of prime rib, ham or turkey.
President Jeff offered his enthusiastic thanks to Linda Baker who has accepted the position of chair of the Vocational Service Committee, replacing Kerry Hepworth who will now chair Club Service replacing Kimberly Johnson who recently left the club due to a change in her job assignment. Thanks also to Bob Bramlage who has accepted the position of Sergeant-at-Arms!

President Jeff also announced the formation of the Nominating Committee with Reed Noble as chair, along with Nick Lang, Byron McLeese and Ken Sizemore. Nominations will take place on January 5. Elections will be held on January 12.

A special thanks to the Holiday Inn for their outstanding service to SGR during 2008.

Jeff Morby lead a brisk Horseplay with Nina Heck collecting fines on behalf of Coins for Kids.

Chaired by Shar Heitkotter, Greg Basso, Bob Bramlage and Jack Petersen, the party was a laugh-riot-a-minute as Santa's elves distributed hand selected gifts ranging from shower caps to stuffed toys, candy bars and other goodies. Thanks to everyone involved . . . and Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!
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