Members of St. George Rotary and their +-1 celebrated Christmas 2017 together at the new Holiday Inn on Saturday, December 9. The dinner was delicious and the entertainment - Hands in Harmony Carolers - was entertaining and fun! Thanks to all who came out for the fun and socializing. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!
St. George Rotary Club
Meetings are held regularly on Monday at 12:15 p.m. at the Best Western Abbey Inn in downtown St. George, Utah
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Teeples Tells of CJC

Washington County’s CJC, a homelike environment in a private/public partership, primarly serves minors under age 18 who are victims of alleged sexual or physical abuse or other crimes where a child is the primary victim or critical winess, such as domestic violence, drug endangerment and internet exploitation.
Today, children in all of Utah’s 29 counties are served by 22 such organizations, working closely with the Utah Attorney General’s office. CJC’s throughout the state provide one-stop shopping, including assault examinations and forensic interviews by specially trained professionals.
Since 2015 there has been a 2000% increase in reports of abuse to 58 so far this year, with a total of 219 interviews to date, in keeping with Utah’s mandatory reporting law.
According to Teeples, 1 in 3 of Utah girls is abused by age 18; 1 in 5 boys is abused by age 18 … and there is an alarming rise in the number of young perpetrators.
States the ED, her non-profit organization is always looking for volunteers … and donations of such items as snack items, paper towels, dish soap, toilet paper and cleaning supplies.
She also noted CJC will be selling apples again this year – usually around Thanksgiving – at a price of $36 a bushel. For more information, to donate or to order apples, call (435) 634-1134.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
SGR Hears Board Member Reports
member reports were the order of the day on Monday, August 14, 2017.
Foundation Chair Dave Prisbrey spoke on how donations to RI “come back to us in 3 years.He also explained the concept of EREY and encouraged members to support the RI Foundation.
Secretary and PI Chair Linda Sappington asked each member to review his/her bio on the club website and update as needed.She also indicated Brandon Staples will be assuming some responsibility for keeping the website current and for expanding our social media presence. In her role as PI chair, Linda noted the more involved in “service above self” our club is, the more opportunities to “say Rotary” in our club and community.
Grant Carter, Membership Chair, shared some thoughts from the book “How We Decide” noting Rotary is famous for comradry and an environment where friendships can grow, but most members don’t know enough about RI to be able to share their knowledge with others. “We are missing members who either don’t attend or who have left our association,” he noted.“Imagine all the good we could do if everyone took part.”
PEN Brandon Staples spoke on how to get the word out about all the good Rotary does in the world. He encouraged members to get in the habit of posting pictures on social media … of club activities, club socials, and provide Rotary marketing materials and display the 4-Way Test in our offices.
In the interest of time, President Rulon and PE Lynn Beecher will report at another upcoming meeting.
Foundation Chair Dave Prisbrey spoke on how donations to RI “come back to us in 3 years.He also explained the concept of EREY and encouraged members to support the RI Foundation.
Secretary and PI Chair Linda Sappington asked each member to review his/her bio on the club website and update as needed.She also indicated Brandon Staples will be assuming some responsibility for keeping the website current and for expanding our social media presence. In her role as PI chair, Linda noted the more involved in “service above self” our club is, the more opportunities to “say Rotary” in our club and community.
Grant Carter, Membership Chair, shared some thoughts from the book “How We Decide” noting Rotary is famous for comradry and an environment where friendships can grow, but most members don’t know enough about RI to be able to share their knowledge with others. “We are missing members who either don’t attend or who have left our association,” he noted.“Imagine all the good we could do if everyone took part.”
PEN Brandon Staples spoke on how to get the word out about all the good Rotary does in the world. He encouraged members to get in the habit of posting pictures on social media … of club activities, club socials, and provide Rotary marketing materials and display the 4-Way Test in our offices.
In the interest of time, President Rulon and PE Lynn Beecher will report at another upcoming meeting.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Until We Meet Again, Grandpa Ray Robinson
Ray also loved his country for which he served in the U. S.
Army in World War II and recalled numerous experiences in Japan during the
“clean up” period after the Armistice.
He also loved his Church.
A longtime member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
Ray and Ruby spent several years as team teachers in the 7-8 year-old Primary class. The calling he held at the time of his death
was that of a greeter before Sacrament meeting – an assignment he performed
faithfully every week until his health deteriorated.
And, finally, he loved Rotary! His legendary “service above self” attitude included several years on the board of St. George Rotary including a year as president (RY2000-01); 10 years hosting – with wife Ruby – numerous foreign exchange students in their Bloomington home. For his support of Rotary youth program’s Ray was named Utah Rotarian of the Year a few years ago. He had 19 years of perfect attendance, due in part to his role as club song leader. He never wanted to miss leading his Rotary friends in a rousing rendition of “God Bless America” or what he called “the tootsie wootsie song.”
And, finally, he loved Rotary! His legendary “service above self” attitude included several years on the board of St. George Rotary including a year as president (RY2000-01); 10 years hosting – with wife Ruby – numerous foreign exchange students in their Bloomington home. For his support of Rotary youth program’s Ray was named Utah Rotarian of the Year a few years ago. He had 19 years of perfect attendance, due in part to his role as club song leader. He never wanted to miss leading his Rotary friends in a rousing rendition of “God Bless America” or what he called “the tootsie wootsie song.”
He was also involved in his community, serving on boards of
the United Cerebral Palsy Association, Chamber of Commerce, American Cancer
Society, and the Salt Shakers both in Salt Lake City – where he was President
and CEO of Rio Grande Building Products, a commercial hardward firm – and in
St. George where they retired in 1999.
One of the Robinson’s favorite self-appointed services was
waiting at the bus stop every morning to be certain the neighborhood children
got safely on the school bus. This
simple act earned them the name of “bus stop grandparents,” a title he wore
with honor.
Ray also enjoyed golf, music, woodworking, outdoor
activities, but was never too busy to spend time with any family member who
needed his attention or wisdom.
Ray passed from this life on Tuesday, August 8, 2017 at his Bloomington home after a short battle with esophageal cancer. He will be missed by those of us who knew and loved him and whose service impacted their lives in many, many ways.
Ray passed from this life on Tuesday, August 8, 2017 at his Bloomington home after a short battle with esophageal cancer. He will be missed by those of us who knew and loved him and whose service impacted their lives in many, many ways.
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
To Guatemala and Back ...
Over the week of Memorial Day 2017, nineteen Rotarians, family members and friends of St. George Rotary Club traveled to
Guatemala for the 11th consecutive time. Covering approximately 4200 miles roundtrip to build simple stoves, help babies breathe; deliver toys, glasses and beans; and establish a local medical clinic which provided basic medical supplies where there is an overwhelming need were St. George residents Dan and Cindy Strobell, their daughter Michelle Tanner, Dave Prisbrey, Chris Parker, Gay Butler, Reed Noble and 3 of his grandsons, Cody Noble, George and Dixie Whitehead and a grandson Jason Thiriot, Tim Strobell; father and son Jason and Jaron Hendrix; and, Lynn and Lori Beecher of Cedar City.
According to event organizer Dan Strobell, Guatemala - about half the size of Utah but with a population of more than 15 million residents - has the world’s highest infant mortality rate. Currently 70 percent of Guatemalans – about 6.5 million Mayans - live in poverty and 80 percent of Guatemalan children have stunted growth due to poor nutrition. To date, families in Mayan villages have seen a “drastically improved quality of life” through the construction of 2510 simple stoves in a partnership with Guatemala’s Behrhorst Partnership Development (aka BPD) and a Rotary Global Grant totaling $56,000 funded by donations from St. George Rotary ($18,600), Aspen, CO Rotary ($5000), Cedar City Rotary ($5000), Zion Canyon Rotary ($500), District 5420 ($15,000) and $22,000 from Rotary International.
“We could work for another 100 years and not be ‘done’,” said Strobell, “but in the history of this project we have built 2510 simple stoves to replace open fires in Mayan homes, reduced deaths and burns among many hundreds of women and children; and allowed thousands of children to return to school rather than spending their day searching for firewood.
In the 4th year of the newborn rescucitation program, “Helping Babies Breathe” Cindy Strobell, an RN at Dixie Regional Medical Center has taught many midwives how to save the lives of numerous infants thought to be stillborn.
Lynn Beecher and his school teacher wife Lori transported “mounds” of school supplies, soccer balls, sewing kits, newborn blankets, handmade toys from Cedar City’s Happy Factory to children who have “virtually nothing to call their own.” In return, the couple say they had more than a few life-changing experiences in several Mayan villages.
Jason Hendrix, MD, an ophthalmologist with St. George Eye Center, made presentations to villagers explaining the health consequences to their eyes of cooking over an unventilated open fire including, “watery eyes, headaches and sensitivity to sunlight” among other risks. At the conclusion of each presentation, he distributed prescription glasses – and sunglasses – donated by generous St. George residents.
Of course, Rotarians, their family and friends also found time to enjoy the vacation aspects of their travels including climbing ancient ruins; rest and relaxation on black sand beaches; and getting better acquainted with the area and with each other.
St. George Rotarians and others will likely travel to Guatemala again next year on or around Memorial Day weekend.
To donate to this cause or for more information, see
According to event organizer Dan Strobell, Guatemala - about half the size of Utah but with a population of more than 15 million residents - has the world’s highest infant mortality rate. Currently 70 percent of Guatemalans – about 6.5 million Mayans - live in poverty and 80 percent of Guatemalan children have stunted growth due to poor nutrition. To date, families in Mayan villages have seen a “drastically improved quality of life” through the construction of 2510 simple stoves in a partnership with Guatemala’s Behrhorst Partnership Development (aka BPD) and a Rotary Global Grant totaling $56,000 funded by donations from St. George Rotary ($18,600), Aspen, CO Rotary ($5000), Cedar City Rotary ($5000), Zion Canyon Rotary ($500), District 5420 ($15,000) and $22,000 from Rotary International.
“We could work for another 100 years and not be ‘done’,” said Strobell, “but in the history of this project we have built 2510 simple stoves to replace open fires in Mayan homes, reduced deaths and burns among many hundreds of women and children; and allowed thousands of children to return to school rather than spending their day searching for firewood.
In the 4th year of the newborn rescucitation program, “Helping Babies Breathe” Cindy Strobell, an RN at Dixie Regional Medical Center has taught many midwives how to save the lives of numerous infants thought to be stillborn.
Lynn Beecher and his school teacher wife Lori transported “mounds” of school supplies, soccer balls, sewing kits, newborn blankets, handmade toys from Cedar City’s Happy Factory to children who have “virtually nothing to call their own.” In return, the couple say they had more than a few life-changing experiences in several Mayan villages.
Jason Hendrix, MD, an ophthalmologist with St. George Eye Center, made presentations to villagers explaining the health consequences to their eyes of cooking over an unventilated open fire including, “watery eyes, headaches and sensitivity to sunlight” among other risks. At the conclusion of each presentation, he distributed prescription glasses – and sunglasses – donated by generous St. George residents.
Of course, Rotarians, their family and friends also found time to enjoy the vacation aspects of their travels including climbing ancient ruins; rest and relaxation on black sand beaches; and getting better acquainted with the area and with each other.
St. George Rotarians and others will likely travel to Guatemala again next year on or around Memorial Day weekend.
To donate to this cause or for more information, see
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Olsen Named 87th President of SGR

a member of St. George Rotary Club since the spring of 2013, became the 87th President of his service club at an installation luncheon on Monday, July 10, assuming duties and responsibilities from Immediate Past President Collin Davis.
Prior to passing the gavel, outgoing President Davis noted the accomplishments during his tenure as SGR’s top Rotarian included support, including funding and “boots on the ground” building simple stoves in Mayan villages in Guatemala and, a successful 14th year of purchasing and distributing paperback dictionaries to 1800 3rd grade students in 18 elementary schools in the Washington County School District.
Incoming President Olsen pledged to follow in the footsteps of “all the amazing leaders in this club who have previously served” in the club’s top position. As RY2017-18 President, Olsen has set a goal to bring 100 new members into the club. He has also expressed a hope to focus more attention on educational issues and is working toward identifying a signature service project in the St. George community and making it as successful and life-changing as the club’s international service project in Guatemala – as he works to maintain the traditions of Rotary’s past and strives to create innovation to attract younger members.
“I look forward to what Rotary can do in the upcoming year to make a difference in our community, the state and in the world. I am passionate about Rotary and what this amazing organization is doing to make the world a better place – locally and globally,” states the new club leader.
The new president will be assisted in his duties by board members Collin Davis, Immediate Past President; Lynn Beecher, President-elect; Richard Isom, Treasurer; Linda Sappington, Secretary; as well as board members Dave Prisbrey, Reed Noble, Grant Carter, Chris Parker and Terance White.
St. George Rotary Club is one of five Rotary clubs in Washington County. For more information about Rotary, see or call 435-668-0331.
Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Rulon Olsen is SGR's Rotarian of the Year
Rulon Olsen, President and CEO of
Echelon Performance Group in St. George and incoming president of St. George
Rotary Club was named his club’s 2016-17 Rotarian of the Year by outgoing President
Collin Davis at SGR’s annual installation and awards luncheon on July 10.
Davis notes he selected Rulon because of his efforts last year exemplifying he has Rotary and it’s ideals at heart. He attended the Leadership Institute and the International Convention at his own expense so he could be better prepared to lead our club this year. He organized a fun run with a client of his in another state to raise money for the Helping Babies Breathe program which has become an important part of our service in Guatemala. He has shown dedication in helping our club grow and provide more meaningful service in the local community by facilitating club meetings dedicated to a “visioning/refocusing” our efforts and developing new membership levels to attract more people with various economic and time constraints to join our club.
Rotarians of the Year in all of Utah’s 50 Rotary clubs must be a member in good standing who has provided outstanding service to the club exceeding the expectations of membership through their commitment of time and energy to best exemplify Rotary’s motto of “Service Above Self.”
Davis notes he selected Rulon because of his efforts last year exemplifying he has Rotary and it’s ideals at heart. He attended the Leadership Institute and the International Convention at his own expense so he could be better prepared to lead our club this year. He organized a fun run with a client of his in another state to raise money for the Helping Babies Breathe program which has become an important part of our service in Guatemala. He has shown dedication in helping our club grow and provide more meaningful service in the local community by facilitating club meetings dedicated to a “visioning/refocusing” our efforts and developing new membership levels to attract more people with various economic and time constraints to join our club.
Rotarians of the Year in all of Utah’s 50 Rotary clubs must be a member in good standing who has provided outstanding service to the club exceeding the expectations of membership through their commitment of time and energy to best exemplify Rotary’s motto of “Service Above Self.”
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