Lots going on in SGR.
The Rotary car show committee has added a Friday night dinner with
entertainment for registrants.
oven cookers are needed.
If you have one
to loan or want to volunteer to help with this project, see Ken Sizemore.
Terance announced the board has agreed to donate $1000 a
year for the next 5 years to the St. George Children’s Museum.
He also announced the beginning of a club visioning
session. More information to come.

Speaker Dan Strobell noted RI expects each club to support
their community through service but also encourages each club to have an
international project, as well.
In the case
of SGR, our longtime international service project is building stoves in
Guatemala, considered to be the poorest country on earth.
And the Mayan villages we serve are “a
th world country within a 3
world country, where children often are not schooled because they must spend up
to 3 hours a day gathering wood.
involvement spans more than a decade of building now 350 stoves, and more
recently also providing books and toys for the children, beans and rice for
families, shoes, dentistry, glasses, training on such issues as dental health
and newborn resuscitation.
This year, members of SGR have applied for another Global
Grant (if awarded this will be the 3rd GG in 5 years), but must
provide a match of $13,000. To date, we
have received funding support in the amount of $5000 from the Cedar City club
and additional funding has been pledged from both the Richfield and Provo