Today in Rotary, our speaker Jack Rolfe, Founder and
Executive Director of The School of Life Foundation, states, “nationwide more
than 8300 students a day drop out of school and the cost to society for crime,
poverty and health care for these students is about $292,000.”
Citing statistics from Education Week, Children Trends Database. Research Date:
1.1.2014 , Rolfe said, “nearly 3,030,000 students a year will receive no diploma. Upon
early termination, undereducated youth will discover 90% of all potential jobs
will remain beyond their reach and nearly 75% of all crimes in the U.S. are
committed by their dropout peers.
On the positive side, statistics relating to the success of
The School of Life Foundation show:
87% of those students who complete this 30-day,
after school course will graduate from high school
GPA scores will increase by a minimum of 12%
94% of students show an improvement in their
attitude toward school
those who complete the after-school program plus
10 hours of community service will receive ½ credit toward graduation and will
have their restitution hours expunged

According to Rolfe, The School of Life Foundation is
currently in place in 13 Utah schools in Washington, Iron and Davis County
(including Water Canyon School in Hildale and El Capitan in Colorado City) and
is being considered for schools in Clark County, NV.
The cost per student for the 30-day course is $189. Students meet 2 hours a week to discuss and
complete assignments relating to the program’s 10 “A’s” – Appreciation,
Attitude, Assist, Aim, Align, Action, Associate, Avoid, Adapt and Always.
“We don’t know and don’t want to know what their issues
We are there to teach them how to
school their most difficult foe … themselves.
We teach them how to handle peer pressure and to stop thinking of
themselves as ‘victims’,” notes Rolfe.
The program also invites community guest speakers who can
share their stories of success over challenges.
Interested Rotarians are invited to contact Rolfe at