The installation of new officers is always the beginning of a new
chapter in the history of SGR. Janet O’Riley – our club’s 84th president – is
excited and enthusiastic about her new role and about goals and activities
planned for the upcoming Rotary year. Outgoing president Durant McArthur
also took the opportunity to look back on the successes of RY2013-14 and
express thanks to outgoing officers Phil Hall and Nick Lang for their
service to the club and the community. Now is the time to show support
for Janet and her board who will continue to move SGR forward as we “Light Up
Rotary” in the coming year.
Janet’s board members are as follows:
Terance White, President-elect / Programs
Collin Davis, President-elect Nominee
Richard Isom, Secretary / Treasurer
Kris Neal, Assistant Secretary / Treasurer
Durant McArthur, Immediate Past President / Foundation Chair
Linda Sappington, Public Image
Kolby Traveller, Membership
Sheldon Banks, Service
Stacy Britt, Youth Programs