Meyer, the
oldest daughter of Lance and Suzanne Meyer of St. George, is one of 8000
students annually who participate in Rotary youth exchanges in more than 80 countries,
living for a year with a host family while attending school, learning a new
language and serving as an unofficial ambassador of goodwill for her country,
her culture, her ideals and values.
When she
first proposed the idea of studying abroad, her parents were uneasy, but
encouraged her to “do the research . . .
and she did!” notes her mother. “She
coordinated with Pine View so she could graduate with her classmates here in
St. George, collected all the necessary reference letters and – through
fundraising and part time jobs – raised more than 75% of the money she needed
for the year. That’s our Alex! When she wants something, she really digs in
her heels and gets it done!”
As Meyer’s sponsor in the Rotary Youth Exchange program, the St. George Rotary Club plays host to an incoming exchange student and provides a small monthly stipend to the incoming student. The Meyer family will serve as a host family for our incoming an exchange student.
Other families are needed to host Rotary Exchange Students. If interested, please contact Linda Baker.
Other families are needed to host Rotary Exchange Students. If interested, please contact Linda Baker.