Meetings are held regularly on Monday at 12:15 p.m. at the Best Western Abbey Inn in downtown St. George, Utah
Monday, December 17, 2012
SGR Celebrates Christmas
SGR's Christmas party - held Wednesday, December 12 on the upper floor of the City Art Center on the corner of Main and 100 South - was a fun opportunity for social exchange, music and dancing, good food and fundraising! Club members and family members were entertained by Jim Coleman who played a guitar solo of his own Christmas song and by the a capella Dixie High School Madrigals, directed by Sheryl (Mrs. Lowry) Snow. What an outstanding group of young - but polished - vocalists!!! The silent auction activity and the sale of table top Christmas trees raised about $900 in support of club needs. The evening concluded with dance lessons - taught by Dan and Cindi Strobell and Phil and Rene Hall - and dancing! Fun, fun, fun . . . and thanks to all who participated and organized the event including Mark Stoddard, Linda Baker, Dan Strobell, Phil Hall and Cindy Loeber.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Dictionary Project Another SGR Success
Seventeen is the number of Washington County public schools receiving Rotary dictionaries in 2012 . . . 67 is the number of 3rd grade classes visited by enthusiastic Rotarians delivering the books . . .1600 is the number ordered by Reed Noble, chairman of the project again this year . . . and nearly 15,000 is the number of dictionaries distributed to Washington County 3rd graders in the 10-year history of this SGR project!
Ray Robinson received several “thank you” notes from students at Bloomington Elementary. One student expressed, “Thank you for the Presidents of the United Stats page so we can outsmart mom and dad and family.” Another noted, “it is so so nice for a guy like you tell your member there nice. Thank you your club is nice.” Sally wrote, “I want to be in the Rotary club when I grow up” and Savanna said, “you are the best Rotary club ever,” but the best letter of all was from McCall who wrote, “thank you for my new bich a naire. It will help us all throew life and now we know how to pronounce word’s and I alrete storteb it. You helpt us lrne a lote. You are so nice. I wish I cood tell this in prsen. You rock. I hope I can see you gis ugen.”
Thanks to all club members who “helpt” make this project another SGR success. We “coodn’t” have done it without you “gis (and girls)!”
Saturday, November 24, 2012
SGR Supports the Jubilee of Trees
SGR made their annual visit to Dixie Regional Medical Center’s Jubilee of Trees on Monday, November 19 for lunch and a fashion show. Club attendance was down but the spirit of the event made for a pleasant day and the trees were beautiful, as usual. Thanks to club secretary Richard Isom for making all the necessary arrangements and for those who came out in support of the activity.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Raging Red Entertains SGR
That’s how members of SGR felt about the musical ability, high energy and spirit of Dixie State College’s “Raging Red” show choir who performed at today's meeting. Led by an enthusiastic Choral Director Merilee Webb, the 30-voices of Raging Red – some who had at one time been in detention centers, homeless or who come from families with societal problems – find fun, camaraderie and a feeling of belonging on the “inviting and unimposing” Dixie State College campus, where a full third of the student body is considered “non-traditional”. Patterned after the original Dixie College Program Bureau, the group sang with gusto a few new numbers and a few from the days of PB Director Roene DiFiore, inviting Sam McArthur – a former member of the PB – to join them.
The group – who sing, dance and recruit for the college they
love in a variety of settings – has traveled at their own expense to China
where they shared their Dixie spirit 9 times before large crowds.
“Thanks for supporting us and our college,” said one member
of the choir to those in the club who have given generously to the school and its programs
over the years. “Dixie lives in us!”
Monday, October 22, 2012
More PHF's Recognized
Thanks to Bob Bramlage and Jack Petersen for their generous
donations designating their spouses as Paul Harris Fellows, bringing the total
of PHF’s to nearly 170!!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Isom Twins Learn Leadership at RYLA
Kathrine and Rachel Isom, 13-year-old 8th graders at Dixie Middle School, speak softly – but with obvious enthusiasm – of their mid-September weekend participating in RYLA.
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) is a youth leadership training program for young Utahns, usually in the 10th and 11th grades, chosen for their leadership potential to attend an all-expenses-paid camp where they develop and enhance skills through activities conducted in an atmosphere of trust and respect.
The youngest ever RYLA participants, the twin daughters of Richard and Anneliese Isom of St. George call the experience “life-changing” as they develop leadership skills in preparation to help lead the new Interact Club at Dixie Middle School. Interact is a Rotary International sponsored youth service club for 12 – 18 year olds.
The attractive blond teenagers noted the “award” was the chance to take part in the camp held this year at Heber Valley Camp with approximately 130 other teens. Sponsored by Rotary clubs all over Utah, participants also included Rotary youth exchange students from ten countries.
Every RYLA addresses leadership topics taught in a variety of locations, including outdoors in this spectacular autumn mountain setting:• Fundamentals and ethics of leadership
• Communication skills in effective leadership
• Conflict management and problem solving
• Building self-esteem and self-confidence
• Elements of community and global citizenship
• Rotary's purpose of service to the community, state, nation and the world
What was their best memory of the weekend? Kathrine and Rachel agree the high point for both of them was hearing from motivational speaker Sam Bracken “who was into drugs by the age of 9 and lived with Las Vegas motorcycle gangs but who was able to completely turn his life around because he realized, 'you always have a choice in life!'” Bracken is the author of My Orange Duffel Bag with reference to a time in his life when everything he owned was carried in an orange duffel bag.
The girls were also impressed by Chad Hymas, a young husband and father, left a quadriplegic after a tragic farm accident, the keynote speaker at the conference with a theme of “A Different Kind of HERO (Helping Everyone Reach Out)”
Would they attend again, if the opportunity presented itself? “Absolutely! It was excellent,” the girls exclaim in unison. They plan to return in a few years to serve as RYLA Alumni.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Club Honors 166th PHF
Friday, August 17, 2012
Meet Our Outgoing Exchange Student

Meyer, the
oldest daughter of Lance and Suzanne Meyer of St. George, is one of 8000
students annually who participate in Rotary youth exchanges in more than 80 countries,
living for a year with a host family while attending school, learning a new
language and serving as an unofficial ambassador of goodwill for her country,
her culture, her ideals and values.
When she
first proposed the idea of studying abroad, her parents were uneasy, but
encouraged her to “do the research . . .
and she did!” notes her mother. “She
coordinated with Pine View so she could graduate with her classmates here in
St. George, collected all the necessary reference letters and – through
fundraising and part time jobs – raised more than 75% of the money she needed
for the year. That’s our Alex! When she wants something, she really digs in
her heels and gets it done!”
As Meyer’s sponsor in the Rotary Youth Exchange program, the St. George Rotary Club plays host to an incoming exchange student and provides a small monthly stipend to the incoming student. The Meyer family will serve as a host family for our incoming an exchange student.
Other families are needed to host Rotary Exchange Students. If interested, please contact Linda Baker.
Other families are needed to host Rotary Exchange Students. If interested, please contact Linda Baker.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Rotarians At Play!!!
Only a handful of Rotarians and their
families took advantage of President Phil Hall’s invitation to spend a weekend
recreating at Deer Creek Ranch, his beautiful, fully-developed property up
Johnson’s Canyon outside of Kanab, but those who made the 1 ½ hour trip were
not disappointed! The weekend included
zip lines, swimming, skeet shooting, hiking, canoeing, great food, and the
opportunity to get better acquainted and socialize with family and Rotary
friends. Those who did attend are ready
to do it again . . . those who were unable to attend can expect a wonderful
opportunity for fun and play! Thanks to
Phil and his family for sharing this exceptional resource in the mountains.
Collin Davis Named Rising Star

Collin Davis was named 2011-12 Rising Star at the club's annual installation and awards luncheon on July 2. He also received a Distinguished Service Citation in recognition of his willingness to get involved in the club's parks and trails project committee which will be carrying out a futsal project at Snow Park. Collin initially sought membership in the club because of the Guatemala stove project and immediately volunteered his time and money to travel with members of his new club.
The Rising Star Award recognizes exceptional accomplishments in service to the club, community, state or the world by a new member(s) in good standing (those who have been members for one year or less).
O'Riley is Rotarian of the Year

Janet O’Riley was named 2011-12 Rotarian of the Year by President Linda Baker at SGR’s annual installation and awards luncheon on July 2. Janet also received a Distinguished Service Citation – both awards in recognition of her work as Rotaract Advisor and providing guidance in the establishment of a an Interact Club at Dixie Middle School. In addition, Janet helped establish an annual fundraising project and was personally responsible for the sale of 100 cases of oranges to help the fundraiser succeed.
The Rotarian of the Year must be a member in
good standing who has provided outstanding service to the club exceeding the
expectations of membership through their commitment of time and energy
to best exemplify Rotary’s motto of “Service Above Self.”
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
4-Way Essay Test Winners Present
The Rotary Club of St. George congratulates the winners of the 2012 4-Way Test Essay Contest. These students wrote the top two essays amongst all 6th grade students in their school about someone who has influenced the student’s life in relationship to one, or more, of the values of truth, fairness, goodwill and friendship, and benefiting others.
Monday, April 9, 2012
SGR Bids Farewell to Eldon McArthur
On April 6, 2012, members of the Rotary Club of St. George bid farewell to a dear friend and sterling example as Eldon McArthur, age 91, passed away at home from causes incident to age. It will be noted that Eldon lived life fully to the very end. He had attended the club's meeting just 4 days earlier, regaling club members with tales from his varied experiences and participating in the day’s tour of the Dinosaur Museum. No one could suspect that this would be the last meeting of the club we would be privileged to enjoy with Eldon.
Ask members what they remember of Eldon, and the responses will be as varied as the experiences of this giant among men that lived in humble service to all he could touch. He was known not just in the community, but around the world for his love and kindness and his generosity. Each Saturday, he baked bread and delivered it to neighbors and friends, annually to guests in the VIP tent at the St. George Marathon, and to others. A favorite horseplay auction was when Eldon offered a loaf or three of bread at club meetings. He was as generous with the pomegranates that grew in his yard, making sure anyone he knew would have sufficient for their Dixie salad.
Eldon’s Big Adventure
This is an account as told by Eldon McArthur and recorded by Logan Hebner as part of a project about Seniors in the Workforce. Eldon was 78 at the time and Mr. Hebner noted his incredible recall.
I always had a yearning to look the place over, so I rowed down the Canyon, once, from July 1st to the 22nd, 1957. I understand it was pretty high water, 100,000 cfs or more the day we put in.

I met a man here in St. George who had crewed for Norm Nevills, Wayne McConkie. Wayne lived in Moab until he came to Dixie. This is way after the war and things had smoothed down a bit. Wayne was hard to get acquainted with; it took me three years. He was a great man, a good man, cousin to the McConkie who was an apostle for the (lds) Church. He'd been a sheepherder before he came to teach school. He said, “I'd rather herd sheep than kids; you can throw rocks at sheep.”
Thursday, February 2, 2012
SGR Celebrates Milestone in Polio Eradication
St. George Rotary Club President, Linda Baker, is shown next to a poster used to track funding toward the club's PolioPlus assessment following the Club Assembly on Monday, January 30. The club surpassed their assessment raising $10,483.95.
St. George, Utah — During their quarterly Club Assembly, members of the St. George Rotary Club celebrated local and international milestones in the fight to eradicate polio. Locally, the club marked fulfillment of their obligation to raise $200 million in funds as part of two challenge grants totaling $355 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to Rotary International.
The club raised $10,483.95 toward the effort since 2008 and surpassed their assessment of $10,036.05 well before the June 30 deadline.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
St. George Rotary Club presents awards for distinguished service to youth
Dr. Allen Hilton (left) and Eldon McArthur (right) receive their Cliff Dochterman Award medals and certificates while Linda Baker (right), club president reads the letter of citation honoring them for their service.
St. George, Utah — Dr. Allen Hilton and Eldon McArthur, members of the St. George Rotary Club, were presented with the Cliff Dochterman Award on Monday, January 30 in a ceremony conducted at the quarterly Club Assembly of the St. George Rotary Club.
The Cliff Dochterman Award is Rotary’s highest award for service to youth through the Boy Scouts of America. The presentation is made by local Rotary clubs to recognize members who perform outstanding service to youth as volunteer scouting leaders.
The award was presented by Linda Baker, president, who cited Mr. McArthur’s decades of distinguished service to youth in numerous positions and Dr. Hilton’s numerous years serving youth in unit, district and sector volunteer positions.
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