Meetings are held regularly on Monday at 12:15 p.m. at the Best Western Abbey Inn in downtown St. George, Utah
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
SGR welcomes 2011-12 club leadership
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Letter from PDG Penny Atkinson
- You paid off our Polio commitment a full year ahead of schedule (that was about $175,000) and you did it with community and youth involvement so all the money did not have to come out of YOUR pockets!!! (thanks to all those who did the Torch Run and Pinkies for Polio which helped bring in a significant portion of the $175,000)
- You accomplished getting the EREY per capita for the entire District above $100, even with all the Polio $$$ you raised. (RI is saying some of the monies won't be accounted for until mid-July so we will be well above the $100 mark)
- This means in DGNN, Steve Skinner's year as District Governor our District will have money for District and Global Grants available.
- You turned around our membership downward trend over the past 5 years. Not only was our base membership UP but two new clubs chartered (Northern Wasatch Front and Pleasant Grove) which will put us above the 1800 mark for the first time in 3 years!!!!! WAY TO GO.....keep that going for Rick's year.
- You added 13 new Interact Clubs and one new Rotaract Club. Everyone one of those Interact Clubs were formed by last year's RYLA participants. WOW can't you just feel the energy!!!!
- You helped send over 90 Interactors and Rotaractors along with their leaders to Mexico to do an International Project. They all came back ready to do more humanitarian work to make this wold a better place!!! Thanks to Mike Wells and the Youth Committee....they created miracles. Visit thier Facebook to see what they accomplished.
- You supported Trent Colvin and PDG Gil Trujillo's idea of the "License Plate Program" to support Youth Rotary Programs. This will be a huge help to fund our Rotary Youth many years into the future. Make sure you order yours now if you haven't already!!!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Update from Georgetown - Linda Sappington finds a Rotary Club
Read Linda's full post on her blog. Congratulations Linda on finding a club to join while you are away from us. We look forward to your return.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
New Club Facebook Page

Thursday, March 17, 2011
SGR tours AllConnect with Rotary friends from Canada
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Highlights of Club Assembly Reports
President Grant Carter read a thank you card sent from Taylor Seegmiller expressing thanks for the YouthLinc sponsorship. Ray Robinson announced that on March 24-27 that all the Youth Exchange students in the district would be in town and requested a couple of hosts, but Dan Strobell quickly resolved the need by offering to host all the students. Continuing and incoming board members were reminded of the District Assembly being held in St. George on March 26. The District Conference is May 12-14 in Cedar City and the Rotary International Convention is May 21-25 in New Orleans. Dan Strobell announced the Guatemala project trip is scheduled for May 20-27.

Phil Hall kicked of the board member reports talking about the Foundation. He noted the importance of EREY (Every Rotarian Every Year) contributions of $25.00 per quarter that help fund the work of Rotary through the Foundation. He noted the opportunity with a matching grant of up to $1000 by May from the LDS church and $15.00 quarterly contributions from each club member that our club could get back on track to fulfill our obligation for PolioPlus of $10,000. We currently have contributed about $4500. Currently 33 of 65 members of our club are Paul Harris Fellows ($1000 or more of lifetime giving to the foundation). Club and District are willing to match points on a 50/50 split to help members reach the next PHF level for donations by May 1.
Ken Sizemore reported about upcoming club activities including a yet to be scheduled spring planting project at the St. George Sk8 park, a planned family picnic at Dean Terry's Enterprise ranch sometime in June, All Clubs meeting with Fred Berthrong on April 14, the announced District Conference and Stove Project trips, and the AllConnect tour for next week's meeting. He also provided an update of the club's 501(c)3 foundation transition from the former Rotary Bowl organization.
Ken Seefeld first filled in for Quinn Hadley who is seeking club members to take 1 month each to help schedule programs for the club's meetings. He also told club members to submit program ideas to Quinn. Kris Neal then explained the quarterly billings. Ken noted that shortly they would have each member complete a pledge card showing their willingness to participate in EREY and PolioPlus. Ken finished by noting the improved financial health of the club over last couple of years.
Jenny McDowell reported on the February attendance statistics noting there are 65 members of the club, 50% attendance at the weekly meetings, and 33% of members that didn't attend one meeting in February. She noted our Challenge of 80 goal to have 80 club members by the end of 2011.
Richard Isom, club secretary, then quickly shared a few membership statistics he had put together before taking club members on a quick tour of the new club website. He finished by showing the new club trading flags scheduled to arrive shortly. You can view Richard's Slides here.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
SGR has a new website!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
SGR learns about Education and Domestic Violence
OPENING: On the last day of February, Don Pendleton welcomed Rotarians and Guests from his usual post. Ray Robinson led the singing of “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” and Sheldon Banks started off the recitation of Rotary’s 4-way Test. Jack Peterson led the pledge and Durant McArthur invoked the blessings of Heaven upon the meeting.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Former member, Lee Phillips, visited to return the original President’s pin that he had found amongst some positions. This pin is traditionally passed down from President to President each year. President Grant Carter announced the change in regular meeting time for the board to the first Wednesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. to be held at the WCF building. This Wednesday is the first time for the new schedule. If Rotarians have lost their Rotary lapel pin, replacements are available for $5.00. See club secretary, Richard Isom, to get a replacement.
TRIP: Dan Strobell is working to nail down the final travel dates for the Guatemala Stove Project trip. Interested club members should contact Dan and provide their feedback for the best dates in May for them. Dan estimates a cost of about $2000.00 per person.
PROGRAM: The program was a combined presentation from Dixie State College and the Dove Center. DSC is working with the Dove Center to host a benefit fundraising event featuring author and humanitarian Greg Mortensen. Mortensen has built 120 schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan with the requirement that the schools educate the women as well as the men. It was noted that the people strongly desire this to strengthen their society.
Del Beatty, dean of students at DSC, kicked off the program talking about the college’s philosophy of providing both an academic and a social education. He attributes the growth at DSC to this because today’s students are struggling with communication skills and this dual focus helps them learn to socialize in society. DSC is committed to getting students involved in service and invited the club to involve students as partners on projects.
DSC homecoming queen, Jessica, presented about the recent Women’s Conference she put together and was put forward as an example of the quality of student DSC has.
Katy Peterson from the Dove Center finished the presentation and talked about the prevalence of domestic violence in the community. She expressed a belief that it is important for the community to help by making it more acceptable to seek help.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Rotarians invited to support Art Museum

Monday, February 14, 2011
DHS Madrigals provide SGR with a Valentines treat
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Ogie Shaw shares secrets to being fit
Monday, January 31, 2011
USA Today Article Highlight Bill Gates Commitment to Wiping Out Polio
You can read the full article on USA Today
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Helping Haiti - Challenges and Successes
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
A New Member, a new Paul Harris Fellow, and the Second Ammendment
CLUB BUSINESS: Phil Hall honored the club's latest Paul Harris Fellow, Les Stoker, for his contributions to the Rotary Foundation. Jenny Lee was inducted as the newest member of the club by board member, Jenny McDowell.
Monday, January 3, 2011
All About the New Airport