Ken Sizemore and SGR’s nominating committee conducted election of officers to serve with Linda Baker during FY2011-12. Durant McArthur was selected to serve as President Elect-nominee. Board members elected are Janet O’Riley and Lowry Snow. Quinn Hadley will serve on the Youth Committee.
The chief noted he is frequently asked how the downturn in the economy has affected the local crime rate. According to the law enforcement administrator, the economy has created a decrease in the population, but there has been an increase in thefts and burglaries. The newest challenge for the department is prostitution, which always involves drugs and violence. Fighting drug use “is like trying to drink from a fire hose,” notes the chief. “It is a fulltime problem requiring a lot of manpower.” Prescription drugs, heroin and marijuana are the three biggest addictions and implicated in criminal activities at least 99% of the time. Gangs are a continuing problem, too, with more than 600 gang members in Washington County.
On the positive side, graffiti is down by 42% because of the city’s policy of removing it within 24-48 hours. VIPS (Volunteers in Public Service) are a real boon to the city’s efforts to control crime during a time when the SGPD’s budget has been cut by 18%.