OPENING: Don Pendleton was at his position as Sergeant-at-Arms, noting the presence (or absence) of members attending SGR’s weekly meeting. Ray Robinson led members in a spirited rendition of “You’re A Grand Old Flag.” Debbie Justice lead members in a recitation of Rotary’s 4-Way Test of the things we think, say and do and Greg Basso invited members to follow him in the Pledge of Allegiance, after which Eldon McArthur asked for the blessings of heaven on the meeting and the meal. Terance White conducted a spirited Horseplay with Jack Petersen collecting fines on behalf of Coins for Kids.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: June McAfee is still looking for volunteers to deliver dictionaries to 3rd grade students at Horizon, Red Mountain and Washington Elementary schools.
Nancy Neff needs volunteers to ring the bell for the Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Campaign which raises approximately $45,000 annually to support such programs as the Community Health Center, Doctors’ Volunteer Clinic and Dixie Care and Share.
A representative from DSC’s Rotaract Club was on hand to promote the upcoming Santa Breakfast, a fundraising event for local literacy programs. See Janet O’Riley for more information.
The nominating committee is putting together a slate of officers for next year. See Nick Lang, Jeff Morby, or Reed Noble for more information or to “throw your hat in the ring” for a board position.
Ray Robinson shared thank you letters from 3rd grade recipients of Rotary dictionaries. Cute!!!

INDUCTION: Benjamin Carter (“Ben”) was inducted into SGR to become our 66th member. He is sponsored in his membership by his brother Grant Carter.
PROGRAM: Steve Johnson, a former member of SGR and the PR director for Dixie State College introduced the school’s new sports directors including mens basketball coach Jon Judkins, womens’ basketball coach Angie Kristensen and Jason Booth, Athletic Director. Booth noted the womens’ team is currently undefeated on the road and has had an amazing amount of success without much support from the community. Admittedly, the football team has not done as well, “but they will be back!”

Kristensen shared her story of her introduction to the team, where she was told, “half are LDS. I had never heard that term before and came to the wrong conclusion it meant they were learning disabled. This is a great team and there’s not a shot we don’t like!” Kristensen encouraged members of SGR to “talk to your daughters about the possibilities for an education and sports at DSC. We’d love to recruit them.”

Judkins noted, “I wish my team had her record” referring to Kristensen. Although DSC won the conference playoff last year, “we lost 5 of our players so we are basically starting over! We recruit a lot of great kids from Utah and California, but we are anxious to recruit locally, as well. Attendance is improving but scheduling is tough. We want to be #1 at the end of the season.”
The AD concluded with the hope of adding more womens’ programs over the next several years, including golf and LaCrosse.