PROGRAM: Ray Robinson introduced Floyd Rigby, Director of the 200+ Southern Utah Heritage Choir who conducted the 13 years before he “retired” and has now been enticed back to the assignment. For at least the next year, Floyd plans to commute back and forth between his home in Highland and the choir assignment in St. George due to the demands of his familybusiness. According to the director, the choir is now larger and better than it has ever been with vocalists from all walks of life. “We have mothers, fathers, doctors, teachers and plumbers!”
“The purpose of chorale music is to develop talent, discipline and responsibility; highlight our cultural heritage, share values, increase knowledge . . . and of course, our gifts are all we get to take with us into the next life,” he said.
Founded in 1994 by Rigby and Dixie Leavitt, then president of the St. George Temple Visitor Center, the Southern Utah Heritage Choir has now become a musical voice in the region. The choir has toured and performed in the Czech Republic, Armenia, Mexico, England, Scotland, Washington DC, New York’s Carnegie Hall and most recently in China. The Choir was involved this week in the dedication of the newly remodeled St. George Catholic Church and is preparing for upcoming concerts including the Choral Festival Concert (Saturday, September 11 at the Cox Auditorium); the Heritage Christmas Concert on Thursday, December 9 in the St. George Tabernacle and on Saturday, September 11 and Sunday, December 12 in the Cox Auditorium. For more information, call 673-3740.