OPENING: Don Pendleton was back at his post as Sergeant-at-Arms meeting and greeting members and visitors to the 3776th meeting of SGR. Ray Robinson led the SGR Choir in a spirited rendition of "Grand Old Flag" because no one knew the words to "Oh, Canada!" as the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia are now history. Linda Baker invited members to follow her in the Pledge of Allegiance and Chris Coons asked for the blessings of heaven on the meeting and the meal. Kris Neal took her very first turn at conducting Horseplay while a high energy Jim Coleman collected fines on behalf of the Rotary District Conference golf tourament.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bob Wallace from the Grande Prairie Rotary Club in Alberta, Canada (District 5370) spoke of his club’s efforts to raise funds to purchase fire trucks, ambulances and school buses for Mazatlan, Mexico. A parade of these vehicles, on their way south, will be passing through St. George soon.
President Ken Sizemore reminded members of the All Clubs meeting on Thursday, March 25 at the Abbey Inn. The meeting, hosted by Dixie Sunrise Rotary, begins at 7:30 a.m. (7 a.m. for breakfast).
President Ken also announced he had received letters of resignation from Sandee Card and Kerry Hepworth (bringing club membership to 65) . . . but was pleased to announce Chapin Burks, a former member of SGR, has asked to come back into membership.
A meeting is being scheduled to discuss the future of the Huntsman World Senior Games’ International Festival and Rotary’s involvement in its success. Watch for more information.
Greg Basso announced the last call for donations to send wheelchairs to Haiti.
PROGRAM: President Ken announced today’s meeting will be a club assembly with speakers selected from the board. Grant Carter (President-elect) reported on his joint role with Terance White to increase membership. Grant noted he, as with all board members, is frustrated by the downturn in membership and is planning some kind of competition to build membership. Watch for more information.
Linda Baker (President-nominee) indicated she has struggled some to find speakers this year and would welcome suggestions from the membership. Upcoming meetings include a visit to the Habitat for Humanity ReStore, and presentations by Debbie Justice from The Learning Center for Families and by representatives from other local Rotary clubs, are being planned.
Dan Strobell reminded members of the opportunity to travel to Guatemala (April 23-30). The trip will be "part work, part vacation and part motivational!" He encouraged members to contact him as soon as possible to indicate interest in traveling with him.
Jeff Morby announced he and Reed Noble will be working with Phil Hall on developing district and global grants through RI’s Future Vision Plan. He is also enthusiastic about the upcoming Utah Rotary District Conference golf tournament and April’s Youth Service Day project at the SK8 Park.
Kyle Case (Service) asked members to call him with ideas for service projects and Phil Hall expressed his hope for a district or global grant to purchase utensils for a Haitian orphanage which will in turn allow them to be recipients of food from the "Feed the Children" Foundation.
Terance White encouraged members to "keep looking" for potential members of SGR.
Ken Seefeld expressed his gratitude to Kris Neal for her efforts to manage the Accts. Receivable function in the club, and noted, "we have been living off ourselves for too long and need to develop a succesful fundraising project."
Linda Sappington (District Conference) outlined plans for the Utah Rotary District Conference (May 13-15) and encouraged members to sign on for the fun!
Ken Sizemore wrapped up the meeting with a heartfelt request for members to help build SGR back to what it has been in the past and can be again. "Ours is a great tradition, although this year’s downturn in membership has been a real challenge." He also noted, "attendance at district and international conferences ‘made me a Rotarian.’"