OPENING: Terance White assumed the position as Sergeant-at-Arms meeting and greeting members and visitors to the 3775th meeting of SGR. Ray Robinson led the SGR Choir in a patriotic rendition of "America" in honor of Team USA’s success in the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia. Bob Bramlage invited members to follow him in the Pledge of Allegiance and Chris Coons asked for the blessings of heaven on the meeting and the meal. Carl Lamar conducted Horseplay while Sam McArthur collected fines on behalf of the Washington County School District’s Sterling Scholar Program.
In the absence of President Ken Sizemore, Grant Carter (president elect) conducted the meeting announcing an All Clubs Meeting on March 25. Wally Brown from the District 5420 will be present to talk about literacy issues. The meeting, hosted by Dixie Sunrise Rotary, will be held at the Abby Inn beginning at 7 a.m. for breakfast.

Grant also announced changes to the RYLA program which will be held six weeks earlier this year and at the Heber Valley Camp. Each club is encouraged to identify 3 candidates for this youth leadership opportunity.
Ken Seefeld, rested and relaxed after a cruise to the Panama Canal, announced - after several weeks of going through the financial books, "everything balances including EREY donations. However, there is more than $11,000 in uncollected funds and the board agreed to begin sending notices of unpaid balances. Club members will soon be receiving an invoice for voluntary donations to Haiti relief."

PROGRAM: District Governor Gil Trujillo expressed his amazement that his year is already half over. He also noted the district’s biggest issue is membership. "We can get them, but we can’t seem to keep them," said the Governor about new Rotarians. "The solution is to get them involved immediately. The state’s most successful clubs have meaningful projects, everyone serving on a committee and grants to move them along toward the accomplishment of their mission." Governor Gil also announced he has closed down the Price Rotary Club and the West Valley Rotary Club because they are no longer functioning as they should. He also reported on a recent meeting with Utah State Governor Gary Herbert where he presented a "State of Rotary in Utah" address. He indicated strong support from the state’s top official who believes, "civic clubs can do things faster, better and more efficiently than government!"

Former SGR member Steve Johnson introduced Steve Bingham, St. George City Director of Recreation who shared information about the upcoming NJCAA Women’s Fast Pitch Softball World Series. "The 16 best junior college teams have elected to play in St. George (May 17-22) because of the quality of our facilities and our community."

Bingham also announced Michelle DeLoso, the national marketing director for Adidas and a resident of Ivins, will be the keynote speaker at the tournament banquet. For more information about how individuals or the club as a whole can help make this event a success, call Steve Bingham at 627-4572.