PROSPECTIVE NEW MEMBERS: President Ken Sizemore read the names of Terri Kane as a prospective member of SGR who he hopes to induct in the next week or two. Other prospective members include Jeff Norton, Andy King, Tiffany Cox and Don Shelline.
Greg Basso asked for support of the Backpacks for Kids project, now in its 6th year with a history of helping 660 kids. His organization needs volunteers to help with all aspects of the project, but he particularly needs someone to serve as a secretary and the vice president.
President Ken noted the date for the Guatemala trip is set for April 23-30. Commitments must be made to Dan Strobell by mid-February.

According to the dental professional, "what we are trying to do is not always long lasting, but change is happening . . . a little at a time. Health is gradually improving and little by little children are getting some education. Many of the children can read a little, while their parents and grandchildren can’t."
In a plea for support from SGR, Bulloch notes, "Feed the Children (a non-profit relief organization which delivers food, medicine, clothing and other necessities to children and families in need throughout the world, has made a commitment to provide food to the children, if there is a facility where they can eat and utensils." The cost for utensils in the village where Dr. Bulloch works would be approximately $2000. The board will consider whether SGR can make such a commitment.