President Jeff Morby introduced club members to the Rotary Foundation Future Vision Plan. Gil gave additional input then asked for member support. All were in favor of becoming part of this pilot program.
Jesse Thompson, sponsored by Jim Coleman, was read in as a prospective member. Any comments relating to this proposed new member should be shared with any member of the board.
Kyle Case asked for hosts for a girls softball fast pitch tournament in May. Call Kyle at 674-0550 for more information.
Glade Hamilton, Assistant District Governor (Area 10) visited and extended his thanks and appreciation to members of SGR for their service to the community and encouraged support of the Rotary Foundation.
President Jeff announced the work day for all of club members on Global Youth Service Day (Saturday, April 25) at the SK8 Park. Trees and flowers will be planted and it is hoped the permanent Rotary sign will be placed on or before that day. For more information, contact Linda Sappington at 674-5757.

The Brigham Road Interchange located at MP4 on I-15, is a UDOT facility which has experienced significant congestion problems since it was opened. A recent study identified existing deficiencies and proposed several short and long-term alternatives to mitigate the deficiencies. Improvements at the west roundabout by UDOT will add an auxiliary Wal-Mart by-pass lane, modify the central island and the splitter islands and improve signing and lane markings."
For more information about city roads and airport projects, see "traffic and transportation" at sgcity.org or call Larry at 627-4050.