President Jeff Morby reported on Don Dunham’s condition following two strokes last week resulting in several days in the ICU at Dixie Regional Medical Center followed by time spent on the nursing floor. It is anticipated he will soon be moved to a rehab center. Cards and visitors are very much appreciated by this longtime and popular Rotarian.
Steve Davis, Chief Operating Officer at Rainbow Sign and Banner, has been proposed for membership by Jim Coleman. Any comments relating to this proposed membership should be directed to any member of the board.
Paula Bell announced the upcoming Soup-N-Bowl fundraising event on behalf of the St. George Arts Museum. Tickets are available from Paula for the event which will take place on March 6.
As one of 535 DGE’s, Gil Trujillo called his recent training as the upcoming Utah District Governor "the most awesome week of my life!" He announced the theme for 2009-10 as "the Future of Rotary is in Your Hands" and shared his excitement about the recent donation of $255 million from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to help eradicate polio from the earth. This most recent donation is in addition to $100 million donated last year by the Gates Foundation and matched through contributions from the worldwide society of Rotary.
Richard Isom showed off the completed and ready-for-sale DVD highlighting the Dixie Rotary Bowl, including the game between the Vikings of Western Washington University and Orediggers of Colorado School of Mines. The DVD, which contains some never-before-seen footage and special features, is on sale for $19.99. Members of SGR can pick up their copy at a discounted rate of $10.